This female board member who lives in the building also has no idea why our maintenance monies is now being processes by a bank in long island ny. This is the same board member who stated they refused to have their contact information made available to the shareholders. I asked for this two annual meetings ago.
worse is the sheep in the annual meeting, my fellow shareholders did not open their mouths to back me up.
The BOD members present at the meeting should have spoken up and offered this info to evereybody, but they act like puppets. It is Sad,
i rarely ask a question when dealing with the BOD or managing company that i do not know the answer to already .
This way i know if they are honest,up to date on regs and laws, or bs artists. Our co-op falls into the BS category. I also check on any answer they give meandat i am not 100% sure of. I take none at their word, they have not shown that type of integrity concerning BOD operations. In thier personal lives i believe some have outstanding integrity,let me be clear on that. I speak no ill out side of the BOD operations.
It is the the requirement under BCL, that the BOD contact information be made available, that is the law that governs NYS co-ops.
Who in their right mind would buy in a place with this kind of board. The few remaining shareholders that live in the building better step on and start reading, i have made it easy for them, i post links to articles that are related to the building
myself and one other person have fortitude and guts in this building. A bunch talk but Talk is cheap , put it in writing or it is talk, not action.
These post are my personal thoughts and comments only. They refer to my extreme displeasure that I am now looking for a new place to live after 28 years here, since I will not live in a building with a board president and managing company that refuse to follow the Business Corporation Law and our co-op proprietary lease and By-Laws. The rest of the board, have not functioned. The owner-occupied ratio dropped from 80% to about 50%.