Monday, September 8, 2008

1189 warburton to submit a proposal

just got this from rccy
"Good Morning,

The owners (and their attorney, Al DelBello) of the homes at 1189 Warburton Ave are scheduled to present a proposal to demo the homes at 1189 Warburton Ave and replace them with a 43 unit complex at the next Planning Board meeting - this Wednesday - September 10th.

The meeting is scheduled to start at 5:30 pm but bear in mind that 1189 Warburton Ave is the 15th item on the agenda.

I encourage all of you to attend as it appears the developers will be requesting a number of significant variances that are likely to impact us all.

Thank you,

Mike Hertz

1 comment:

mike piedell said...

I will find out what the meeting produced. 43 units over the footprint of the 4 houses would not be bad. That does sound like a low rise, which is more in tune with the neighborhood.
I am sure someone’s view will be blocked and they will be upset, not that i blame them. I would too.
The problem with the named community organization up here is that there only seem to be a "community reaction” when this group of homeowners property is going to be blocked by new construction. I have never heard of them getting involved or addressing the everyday problems and important issues in the neighborhood, at least my neighborhood. You never hear about the every day problems that need to be addressed that are really important such as crime and the huge number of car break ins. seems these items they want to keep quiet since IMO they are worried about real estate values. You can’t talk about car break ins or put it in print it will lower and make it harder to sell if you cant offer secure parking.
There are some great houses on the east side of Hawley terrace , i remember when the pink building was built next door, i forget it official name, the house that was there before was the home of Armstrong the inventor of the FM radio.
Interesting paragraph in wikipedia , I wonder if it is true?
“Philosophy Hall, the Columbia building where Armstrong developed FM, was declared a National Historic Landmark in 2003 in recognition of that fact. Armstrong's home in Yonkers also received a similar designation, but it was withdrawn when the house was later demolished.”