Friday, April 12, 2013

This is the Odell Ave.side and entrance to indoor parking garages and terrace entrance areas that have poor lighting and should be corrected.


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1 comment:

mike piedell said...

By the Way the light on the outdoor stairs, that is dark when it is lit, has been going out every 10 seconds for a while. I haven't timed it, but it is a couple minutes, and i cant see my feet, and it is not my belly in the way. I have a bunch more. The pres and mother in law vice pres, got rid of all the committees. This type of stuff would be addressed usually by a house committee , as would laundry room problems, buzzer problems. People bring these problems to the annual meeting. I have tried to start committees on my own, i don't need papers or an appointment, it my coop. We should have a laundry room, grounds, house, garage committee. A garage committee would stop the self dealing with parking spaces if they had a spine.