Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Police catch dog walkers in the playground

Good work to whoever called the police and got the interaction with the dog walkers in the playground last night . It looked like they may actually do something with this reoccurring problem. I had called many times myself, and the police did finally catch a couple people in there. However, the dog walkers came back the next day and night, the same people whom the police had snagged in the playground. This was particular annoying since it took over 6 phone calls to the police department and all those wasted dispatched where they arrive and the playground is empty. Finally, they catch them in the playground, and I saw the police talking to them for more than a couple minutes and the police going back and forth between the radio car and dog walkers. The next day the same dog walkers are back in the children’s playground.

Since then the number of dog walkers has steadily increased,

Good community work!

People that walk dogs in the children playground have no respect for the kids and parents.

Even if they clean up the poop, there is still left over and the dog pee is going to be all over everything. Childhood blindness can be caused by dog pee or poop.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

lets revive the garage and building and ground committee

weather is good ,we can meet one night on the terrace.
really would like to see more use of the terrace, really is a nice place.
so much nicer with the tiles. i like to see the little kids play out there.
Hear there has been issues with this and would like to discuss
shame to look out and see no one using it on a nice day.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

jott a free cell phone message service that can improve safety in the building and neighborhood

Jott was a great free beta service, it ended its beta and it is now a fee based service.
however there is still a free Jott that may work out for many as a reminder and memo service.
i thought the free jott had an add to group or contact portion the same as the free beta did. Too bad it doesn't, it would have worked as a good free tool for building and neighborhood.
the jott contact feature would have been great to help building safety.
fro instance if i was going out and saw the garage door was stuck open, i could call jott contacts and leave a message Warburton door stuck open, any resident that was in my hawley terrace group of contacts would get that info in a text message or email. If 6 people were in my contacts all 6 would get it, if 20 people all would get it. i am sure one of these people would be home and be able to help correct the problem in real time. if they couldn't correct it they could at least take better security measure until it was fixed.
first i recommend getting a "grand central number" another service that is in beta, acquired by goggle .
Grand central is a great free service, where you sign up and it gived you a free phone number in an area code and area you request.
this phone number you give out to anyone that you are worried about security and confidentiality. works great for giving out to businesses or when you sign up for something, it has a anti voice spam feature.
you set up via the computer your grand central number to ring your cell phone and /or land line. You can set it up so that it rings both numbers.
my cell phone loses signal alot in my apartment, so the grand central number rings both at the same time.
it really is a great service, take it from a retired telco geek.
you use your grand central number to use with the jott service if you are worried about giving out your home number or cell number.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

garage space assignment procedure has been bypassed

it really annoys me that the garage assignment parking procedure has not been followed and the shareholder went to the point of writing a letter to the board and the shareholder was still not given their rightful parking spot.
This just came to my attention last week or i would have acted on it sooner.
i am wondering how many other problems that people have had that were ignored or not properly resolved.
i know that the some of the new board members don't know what the parking rules are, since the board members who have been in the building a long time seem to have kept it a secret from them or gave them false information.

garage space assignment rules p1

garage rules p 2 and 3

Double click on the document to enlarge it
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Monday, September 15, 2008

where are the annual meeting minutes ?

i have been receiving the annual meeting minutes for as long as i can remember i believe since this building became a co-op.
The annual meeting minutes were mailed to every shareholder
i have not received this year 2008 minutes, nor have my neighbors .
i spoke to one of my neighbors this month who due to work wasn't able to attend the meeting . He knew nothing about the hot budget error topic at the annual meeting. It was revealed a budget accounting error was made and a zero was dropped. This accounting error was about 8% of the yearly budget.
Many of the shareholders present at the meeting said they did not receive the yearly financial report. The financial report is also supposed to mailed to all shareholders well before the annual meeting.
After the meeting i got a copy from a neighbor, i haven't gone through all my paperwork yet to see if i received the original mailing, i haven't been very good this year at keeping up with filing my paperwork.
i don't throw co-op paperwork out though, next i will post the garage space rules.
I am amazed at how little information has been given to the new shareholders. .

greystone neighborhood meeting tuesday 16 sept

this was posted on one of the other neighborhood Internet boards.
i have appts that day and doubt i will be back in time to make the meeting . i encourage resident to attend, there is a lot going on here that many are unaware of. The 1Hawley terrace board has been dead quiet and ignored all the recent issues affecting our community and neighborhood
River Communities Coalition of Yonkers

Warburton Ave. Update

With summer nearly over and fall upon us City Hall has again picked up on a few of the many open items and issues along Warburton Ave. Below are some of the highlights:

First - after a flurry of emails and phone calls the City Council voted unanimously to move forward on the community’s zoning proposal for Upper Warburton Ave. (to go from hi-rise to garden apartments) and the next step will be a public hearing at City Hall on Tuesday, October 14th - so save the date and make plans to attend.

Next – was a preliminary proposal for a 43 unit townhouse style development to replace the homes located at 1171, 1175 and 1189 Warburton Ave. The developer has expressed an interest in being a good neighbor and in that vain put forth a project that in many ways reflects the standards of the MG zone while retaining the right to utilize some of the A zone standards.

And – REMI Development’s principal, Eric Kaiser, (owner of the pit at 1077 Warburton Ave.) appeared briefly before the planning board this week – he was unprepared to address the issues at hand and will have to return at a later date.

Next RCCY Meeting

Lastly – there’s so much going on in our area - way too complex for an email – so to catch up on things & coordinate our next steps we’ll be having our next RCCY meeting this Tuesday, September 16th at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Audra Moran & Joe Sampino located at 26 Odell Ave. Active residents are the key to a better Greystone - so join us Tuesday and we'll get things done!

Thank you,

Mike Hertz
RCCY Member

we really need to get some kind of alarm system in the garages

last night we went out for a walk around dusk and my walking companion noticed the warburton garage door was stuck open. They said it had been like that all afternoon . On the return from the walk around 8pm it was still wide open.
i was able to fix it and got it working correctly.
with all the problems in the neighborhood with car break ins having a garage door stuck open is bad news.
we pay $2083 a year for the garage door contract, Manny said the garage door people were notified of a problem with this warburton door last week.
i saw him this morning and he said last night after i called him he came down and he was able to get it to work, so he thought it was working again. hopefully what i did enabled it to work overnight,
if anyone sees it open call Manny or even call me if its before midnight. I'd rather help try and get it closed and show you what i did, then have an incident.

Friday, September 12, 2008

just heard some glass breaking and crunch of metal

ypd called 377 7900.
which remind me many years ago, probably 15 years ago i was trying to get a additional one hawley terrace number posted on the odell avenue side of the building . It must have been around 1998 .
ambulance and emergency vehicles cannot find the building, part of the problem back then was the data base for the gps was wrong for hawley terrrace it showed 1 hawley as beeing at the dead end side of the street.
i contacted the mapmakers for the gps system that the ambulance and yfd used and was able to get the database corrected, they even notifiend me when it was done.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Developer proposes 43 townhouse condos on Warburton Avenue in Yonkers | lohud.com | The Journal News

Developer proposes 43 townhouse condos on Warburton Avenue in Yonkers | lohud.com | The Journal News

co-op monies in account that may and does go over the FDIC insurance

Long lines of customers wait outside IndyMac bank in Pasadena on Monday. The bank failed last week, prompting the FDIC to take control of it. Many customers fear they will lose their money. (Walt Mancini / Staff Photographer)
i finally am catching up on this co-op building stuff and finally had a chance to look at the audited financial report dated march 5 2008 i noticed that the co-op monies are in a account where they may and do go over the fdic insured limit. This report/audit was from months ago, i believe before the banks started failing.
this is definitely not financial wise.
we need to look into this quickly and split/move the money if it is over the fdic insured limit ans insure it doesn't happen if our balance is under the limit now.
there was no info given on the name of the bank that the funds are held at.
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1171,1175,1187 and 1189 warburton = next development

there have been fliers posted around the neighborhood, the meeting Wednesday night concerns the four properties at the north west side of warburton closer to the catering hall/ palisades boat club entrance.
1171,1175,1187,1189 warburton.
the million dollar question is what height are they planning to build and what varience will they asking for.
there was a lot of talk of trying to get this neighborhood rezoned to a low rise level.
maybe that is why they are pushing this through in the weak market.
some of the houses are quite nice, the views must be fantastic


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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

ball park and high rise vote coming up

there is an important vote concerning the sfc project , it will really affect Yonkers tax dollars since money is not earmarked for the underground utilities and infrastructure and there is nothing in writing on who is going to pay for it.
most likely yonkers residents will get stuck with it if it not in writing with all the i and T's checked. we already have a yonkers income tax and nothing to show for it, since the city has been chronically mismanaged.
the developer over at ridge hill just screwed the union guys that he had fill the meeting halls and push for a YES vote on that project. After all that union support the developer has reneged and hired non union labor.

planning board meeting for four properties on Warburton

there have been fliers posted all over the neighborhood, the meeting tonight concerns the four properties at the north west side of warburton closer to the catering hall/ palisades boat club entrance.
1171,1175,1187,1189 warburton.
the million dollar question is what height are they planning to build and what varience are they asking for.
their was a lot of talk of trying to get this neighborhood rezoned to a low rise level.
maybe that is why they are pushing this through in the weak market.

Monday, September 8, 2008

1189 warburton to submit a proposal

just got this from rccy
"Good Morning,

The owners (and their attorney, Al DelBello) of the homes at 1189 Warburton Ave are scheduled to present a proposal to demo the homes at 1189 Warburton Ave and replace them with a 43 unit complex at the next Planning Board meeting - this Wednesday - September 10th.

The meeting is scheduled to start at 5:30 pm but bear in mind that 1189 Warburton Ave is the 15th item on the agenda.

I encourage all of you to attend as it appears the developers will be requesting a number of significant variances that are likely to impact us all.

Thank you,

Mike Hertz

Friday, September 5, 2008

jfk marina /alexander street master plan

I still have not seen the final approved GEIS that the city council was going to vote on august 7. The city council meeting was canceled.
I still have not been able to find out what plan they are going to approve.
In a nutshell, the original plan will severely impact our neighborhood and quality of life.
The alexandar street master plan plan calls for the building of 6828 parking spaces about one mile from our building.
The plan also calls for building of 423,000 sq feet of mixed-use commercial-retail reachable via the JFK marina drive.
Northern Warburton, Odell avenue, and Executive Blvd were not included in the traffic study for this project.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

has the homeless guy been sleeping in the vestibule recently?

there was a guy sleeping in there a couple weeks ago, by where the buzzers are on the hawley terrace entrance.
lot goes on but few know about it.
knowledge is safety

new free memo service JOTT

there is anew service that has come out of beta, there is still a free part of it they may be good for the building and neighborhood.
basically you join JOTT via their home page, it is free.
i have established a group called onehawleyterrace.
i think once you join the service i can add you to the group, you decide what number or email is used.
i use grand central another free service, that gives a free number that you can use to direct your phone calls.
once jott member become a member of one hawley terrrace, they can txt or email everyone in the group.
i was thinking of using this for times when someone smells smoke and is wandering around the building trying to see if it is outside or inside, everyone that is part of the group would get the message.
it could be used for a lot of building or neighborhood things.
it might be a way to stop the car break ins.
JOtt was free , but now the free portion is limited so i don't know how well it will work out, only way to find out is to try

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

anyone able to figure out the bus schedule?

i find the bus schedule rally hard to figure out.
sometimes i see a posted stop time but the bus is only going to the hastings-yonkers border. i would like to take the bus more, anyone figure out the schedule?
hastings and tarrytown would be my most frequent destination.
going south to Getty square would also be an option instead of the train,

Aug 20 articleYonkers river cops nab car-burglary thief in Hudson | lohud.com | The Journal News

Yonkers river cops nab car-burglary thief in Hudson | lohud.com | The Journal News


neighborhood is changing and security is a more important issue, we need to be proactive to avoid problems. the camera we have now will only give an idea of what happened.
the laundry room and garage area are traps with no way for a resident to notify someone if there is trouble.
i don't know what the answer is but we need to be aware.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

join in

i started this blog as an aid to communicate in the building so please leave comments.
As always keep them civil.
Part of being a good neighbor is respecting your downstairs neighbor and side neighbor as best as possible.
sometimes we don't realize how far our sounds travel,i didn't.
throw rugs and runners can really help quiet the place down.
myself i am looking at modular carpeting for my bedroom, i only need the carpeting on the circumference of the bed since that is the only area i walk.

welcome to one hawley terrace

i have lived in this building for about 28 years and i have never seen this level of non communication and lack of neighbor mingling.
i am not sure what is the cause but hopefully this blog will open up some communication from neighbors.
i am a big believer in crowd sourcing and using the internet to learn and communicate.
As a person who has spent too many days incapacitated and recovering from surgeries, i know how fortunate i am that i was able to start communicating via the Internet in 1995 .
i have been trying to spend more time outside on the terrace to meet my neighbors and find out what has been going on in the building.
not everything i have heard has been positive, but i hope with more open communication these things can change around for the better.
i hope i don't eat my words!