Wednesday, November 26, 2008

stairs and sidewalk completion

The stairs are being unusable for over 4 months, and the railings by Hawley terrace are about 5 or 6 months overdue.
The story is that we are awaiting the railings, the reality has to be something else.
it takes less than one day to weld and place railings .
the non shareholders here probably have more bargaining power since the tenants may be able to get a rent decrease for the amount of time the terrace stairs have been under construction, the 2 week time frame was sufficient to complete the project.

Monday, November 17, 2008

going on 4 months for stairs ?

what is going on? The railings can be made by any local welder, it is iron not imported brazaillian hardwood.
this is [past crazy and the continued lack of communication from the top of the co-0p board, plus the vice pres and pres using their position for personal gain, and their refusal to remove themselves from discussions where they had finical interest in the outcome is just heaps more of shady dealings that will be moving forward to higher leveled.
note to co -op board members you should investigate and talk to the people that are using some board members of discriminatory and homophobic/racist actions, and not just let the president lead you down a personal liable path. do not let their personal liability become your personal liability. you are NOT indemnified for these actions, especially if you haven't performed due diligence.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

i dropped a couple of these in the lobby

i have nothing against RCCY even though it may sound like i do, i used to drop off their pamphlets and post them in the lobby too. The more i got involved in the city and the more meetings i went to i realized what the deal was.
RCCY really does not serve our local community. They only appear when their views and values are affected at
David’s Lane. We never hear from them otherwise. There has been this huge hole in the ground across the street with steel plates and a missing sidewalk and poor lighting on the east side of the street. If they were a community group, involved in this area, these unsafe conditions would have been resolved.

I agree this area should be rezoned as low rise buildings, but this neighborhood, where we live, also needs to be changed, so if you are going to make any phone calls or write any letter to city council on this topic make sure you speak up for OUR neighborhood. RCCY is only addressing their loss of views. If that area is rezoned, we are still vulnerable.

Our neighborhood needs Harriman Avenue rezoned to low rise if it is high-rise now.

yellow leaflet in lobby RCCY

i have gone to a couple meetings concerning the development in this area , and at first i was surprised and happy to find out there was an organized community group in this area. However after a couple meetings in downtown yonkers i realized they were only concerned with projects that would block their views up on Davids lane, which is up next to the Lenoir preserve.
i have seen no evidence that that they are involved in the community in any way more than that function. i would like to get a community group organized here , i don't know how feasible that is, i think the parents that go to the children's playground have a much better feel on that possibility.
i never thought of this before, where do the people live that drop off their kids to get on the school buses?

Saturday, November 1, 2008

independent shareholders meeting to discuss the co-op

a couple of shareholders are going to have a meeting to discuss the goings on at our co-op. The date is to be announced. We will do it informally , if we pick a nice weekend we can meet outside on the terrace, if we meet in the evening we can meet downstairs in the lobby.
This meeting is not being organized by the board of directors of the building .
This meeting is being put together by a couple shareholders that see things are not being run well due to a too controlling board hierarchy .
There is very little if any communication in this building.
some of the board members would like to continue that and keep the shareholders in the dark.
the shareholders need to take some ownership of this building and realize if they don't speak up they will get nothing. More likely they will be screwed by their neighbor and board members.
as far as i i am concerned the recent elections of board members was a farce, the board president did not release damaging information to his reelection bid until after the elections were carried out at the annual meeting.
the information on the budget accounting error should have been made known to the other board members and shareholders when it was discovered.
the concealment of this error was a violation of the fiduciary duties if the board president.