Sunday, February 13, 2011

treasurer responsibiltes

i just came across this section of a Nov 2010 seminar.
over the last couple years, since the $27k mistake in the budget that john holzinger , the owner of the management company and he is  also a board member of the  newly formed bank we got our new building mortgage from,  the same newly formed bank that our coop president is also an investor in. My questions at the annual meeting of what other board members have business dealings with the management company or are investors in this new bank  to this day are unanswered. I still need to follow up.
i remember asking  the person  i believe was treasurer on what was going on with the mortgage and who had check-signing powers , and how many signatures were required. I also asked what limit the managing agent could write without board approval.
He had no idea. That was about 2 years maybe 3 years ago.
recently i asked one of the few board members that actually are following  the proprietary lease concerning occupancy and living in their apartment.  She had no idea on who had check signing powers, why the maint account was moved to a bank in long island, Why there was no name of the bank anywhere, just an account number. Even the canceled checks come back  with nothing but an account number.  she also didn't think her lack of knowing the money flow was any big deal.
The treasurer who knew nothing about the mortgage and check signing powers, i believe he was the treasurer , could have been the  secretary, they do not post the BOD  titles any more in keeping with the  share owner mushroom plan.
He is an upstanding gentleman, but doesn't understand the BOD responsibilities and what he is liable for.  He made the mistake of listening to the president  of the co-op and managing agent , who give out false information.
i explained to him that he should tape record every meeting or when he votes against something that he believes is discriminatory or improper/illegal   he should state that he wants his opposition noted in the minutes and ask for a copy of the minutes  so that he can insure it is in there.
The treasurer of a cooperative or condominium oversees all financial activities. While the execution can be delegated to management or to investment
advisors, the treasurer can never relinquish responsibility for ensuring that
all is done. Accountants Norman Prisand and Robert Mellina will enumerate
and discuss the treasurer’s responsibilities, suggesting systems of control
and practical, timesaving procedures .Cooperative or condominium oversees all financial activities. While the execution can be delegated to management or to investment
advisors, the treasurer can never relinquish responsibility for ensuring that
all is done. Accountants Norman Prisand and Robert Mellina will enumerate
and discuss the treasurer’s responsibilities, suggesting systems of control
and practical, timesaving procedures.

hampton-0906.gif (200×264)

hampton-0906.gif (200×264)

collection of co op newsletters

collection of co-op newsletters
collection of co-op newsletters

collection of co-op newsletters, we had one before the internet, however the new board stopped any information sharing co-op newsletters

Saturday, February 12, 2011

i need to fax over the info on the ceiling and ice buildup at base of Odell stairs

going to get a couple faxes out to the managing agent concerning the ceiling filled with tiles and the ice build up at the bottom of Odell stairs, the spot where there is no handrail.  i fell last week on black ice at this spot.  i was very,very lucky i landed on my finger tips in a yoga like position. incredible luck, i wont say i have the reflexes of el gato, i was damn lucky, my fingertips stung from the impact, but i kissed them and went looking for ice melt in the main garage.  i don't believe in ignoring a hazard for anyone else. the 2 buckets i found were almost empty, maybe a total of 4 oz of rock salt.  i used that and put the two empty  buckets on the location, so at least people will get a warning that  something is going on there. I am going to fax over to the managing agent and specify it gets distributed to every BOD member  that day.  There should be containers of sand or ice melt to throw in front of you along the path and at the stairs. 
This way the liability is on the board members, the insurance company for the building will not exempt the board members if members  have been prior notified and they did nothing, same with the managing company. At least that is what i have read on the co-op lists. These holes could have been patched  in less than 30  minutes. Portland cement is the generic name.  We used a type of this stuff to build dams and V around manholes we were working in.
it is easy and cheap, just add water. The holes in the garage were not fixed for over a year. I have the pictures posted with the dates. This same crap work is why we were accessed the roof  fees, it is simple and cheap to cover temporarily.  That is what a home owner would do, especially on a roof  that is flat, easily accessible , with a full size door. However it is more money for  some people , such as the the big water proofing company and maybe??  This roof was  ignored for over 25 years with  probably 7 or more different managing agents.
That IMO was the proof that our managing company screwed the share owners big time and has not done the job we have paid them to do. 
 i worked in this field with telco cables, so i know this game.