Monday, November 17, 2008

going on 4 months for stairs ?

what is going on? The railings can be made by any local welder, it is iron not imported brazaillian hardwood.
this is [past crazy and the continued lack of communication from the top of the co-0p board, plus the vice pres and pres using their position for personal gain, and their refusal to remove themselves from discussions where they had finical interest in the outcome is just heaps more of shady dealings that will be moving forward to higher leveled.
note to co -op board members you should investigate and talk to the people that are using some board members of discriminatory and homophobic/racist actions, and not just let the president lead you down a personal liable path. do not let their personal liability become your personal liability. you are NOT indemnified for these actions, especially if you haven't performed due diligence.

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