Saturday, March 28, 2009

i'm back

it has been a long time since i kept up with this blog, without any community feedback or support, or seemingly interest , i have caught up on some of my own personal to do list. i also have medical issues that wipe me out for periods of time, and require my complete attention. This is a reason i don't want to be a board member. that can always change, and i can tell i still know more about the operation of this building , the laws, and building maintenance than a majority of out board members, on my worst days. We have a couple good members, and we need to support them. It is a real shame that bob Riley stepped down, that IMO is because we, I , did not help him out and give him support. Dealing with board members that refuse to give you the information you request , you can not do your board obligations..
getting involved in the co-op was the last thing i wanted to do, since i live here and like everyone else , just want to live my life without more stress.
hopefully with warmer weather i will see people outside and try and form some support since, as far as i see we have some big problems in the building.
i will place them under separate posts so they are easy to index.
i had done quite a bit if correspondence with the managing agent, the owner of barhite and holzinger refuses to speak to me .
i found out that the owner of our managing company has been a business partner of our board president , i don't know how long this has been going on but , IMO that explains a lot of the looked over stuff. since i haven't found much of any support or feedback in this building , i am going to go big with a co-op blog, concerning the whole metro area.

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