Saturday, March 28, 2009

rally sunday across street

lots of leaflets out from RCCY this weekend , think there is a rally today , whoops make that Sunday at 1pm.
i am pretty outspoken, so i will say it here and have said it locally,
RCCY really does not act as a community organization for us. Nor would i call them our community group.
i have contacted them quite a bit in the last two years, since i first heard of them.
They only seem to have one issue , don't block their views. Now they are getting involved with the Pit , That is a good sign. The people ar the greystone buiding 1085 Warburton , must be going nuts with that disaster, imaging trying to sell if your facing that side ?
at least on this flyer they are speaking up about the disaster that forced the people next to the "PIT" out of their house , was it one or two Easter ago?
i need to check the zoning map they are trying to change to make sure our area, especially Harriman avenue is included.
i support the low rise zoning regardless, this neighborhood has nothing of a retail, social presence, so much could be done here if we had some interested people. we have a tremendous amount of open usable green space that could be put to use as a community garden .

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